
I understand now why people like indulge in escapism. They want to get away from the pressure, the problems and any sort of crisis they might find themselves in. That is why people tend to drink alcohol, inhale drugs and do other "escapist" things which makes them believe that they don't have to deal with those problems raining down on them.

Not that I condone the above methods of escapism, just that I can understand the need to run mentally away. Don't we all want the same thing at times?

I want to go on a retreat. One of those spiritual retreats where you're one with nature, surrounded by God's creation. A retreat away from hustle-bustle of current life. I've heard of those retreats where they add the religious aspect of it into the outings with discussions on the Qur'an and away from all that could lead you into temptation. But most of all, a break. From everything.

Then I sit back and really think about it. The strong person is not the one who escapes or retreats, the strong person is who sits in the environment that is surrounded with issues, whatever problems, spiritual crisis and figures out how to solve them. Building your spiritual side would be so much easier in a spiritual retreat but imagine the benefits if you were to do it in the same crazy environment you live, study and work but manage to overcome all those struggles that you come across.

Syrian snipers try to kill a 5 year old boy

This video shows Syrian forces trying to kill a 5 year old boy when a man runs by and saves him. Every other video that I've watched coming out of Syria in the past few months is horrific, graphic and reflects what the people of Syria have been going through. This video is one of the 'lighter' ones but still horrific because you have to be really far gone to want to kill a 5 year old boy.

Spiritually disconnected

I am going through one of my 'spiritually disconnected' phases. It is one of those phases in which you might do acts of worship but you're not spiritually there and you know the difference because you've felt the spiritual 'connectedness' before.

Actually, I'm not sure if this is a phase but it is a constant inner struggle. There are some months in which you feel so connected, so spiritual - and some months you lie in bed thinking at night before falling asleep why you feel so disconnected.

I'm not sure sure why I'm even blogging about this considering I know the problem and I know the solution. To be spiritually connected you need to work towards it. You need to stay away from the things you're supposed to stay away from and do the things you're supposed to be doing.

If you get distracted, or your heart gets caught up in some other small thing and you're not careful to keep a bit of a mental barrier between you and that  book that you get so engrossed in that you rush through your prayers because it is foremost in your mind, or the TV serial that you've been following and wondering what will happen next to your favourite characters... 

So when my heart gets caught up with something else I notice the change. My heart isn't in my prayers, or I don't have time to do my voluntary prayers or the adhkaar I used to read before going to bed are simply delayed or forgotten. I know doing the 'required' acts these days is also a burden for a lot of people but that spiritual connectedness is worth working for. I've felt it. It's worth all the effort you make to feel that peace and serenity. That connectedness you feel when you talk to God in your prayers. When reading his book isn't a rush or a fast completion but you actually feel.

It's a struggle though. A constant struggle to not get caught up in things which are most probably meaningless at the end of the day. However, the hearts, they're always turning. Getting caught up in this and that. It's so easy to be distracted by small things.

So I'm hoping this 'so-called' phase passes. But I guess I know it's down to me to make the effort to make it pass...