Assads thugs bury a man alive, asking him to declare Bashar as God

In the past few months various horrific videos have come out from Syria. Horrific is not a word that completely describes what the people in Syria are going through under the tyranny of Bashar Al Assad.

In this video Assads thugs bury a man alive, asking him to declare Assad as God. The man clings on to his religion, saying, 'God, there is no one for us except you' (يا الله ما لنا غيرك يا الله) and the declaration of Islam, 'There is no God but Allah'.

May Allah grant him the highest level in Jannat Al Firdaws. Ameen


  اللهم اجعل اخر قولي في هذه الحياة الدنيا ان لا إله إلا انت وان محمد عبدك ورسولك

2 comments :: Assads thugs bury a man alive, asking him to declare Bashar as God

  1. makes me soo sad that i cant do anything and at the same time seeing this shows u how strong the trials are for them.. may allah grant him as a shaheed..


  2. ohh and i almost forgot 2 say that
    Du'a is all we have and
    Du'a is all we need !!


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