Annoying Political Posts


For as long as I can remember I've tweeted / posted / written about political and religious issues. They interest me and it is something I like keeping track of. Sometimes they hit home. Sometimes they're things you'd cry about. Sometimes they're things about people in captivity for more than 10 years but no trial. Sometimes they're things about innocent people being massacred because their government doesn't like them. 

All in all, it isn't happy and entertaining stuff. It is reality. Apparently though, some people don't like it when it hits their little bubble. I've had a lot of people / friends who've requested in the past to cut down on my political posts. Some who express their concern for me and others who ask why I don't post "happy" things. Some are genuinely worried and others think I shouldn't be posting such dire stuff.

The world isn't a bubble full of happiness and contentment. There are things that happen to others that are inhumane and not right. As our duty as fellow humans we should share the struggles of these people. We should read and know what is happening in this world. We need to educate our future generations.

I can understand escapism, God know I do it much myself, but flinching away from the brutal happenings of this world isn't going to make it go away. It is better to be prepared and educated instead of your little bubble of food, parties and humour being pinched with a sharp knife. 

Refreshing faith

Faith is something that has the tendency to fluctuate. I've been out of the spiritual loop for a while and I was getting worried because that peacefulness that I would tend to feel just wasn't there. 

Today morning though I met someone who is a convert to Islam from Christianity and we had a long chat about everything. It really boosted my Imaan hearing how she found Islam and how it all made sense. To be frank, it is a religion that completely makes sense especially when compared to other religions. 

You believe in one God, you have no barrier between you and him, you stay away from vices like alcohol and gambling which are things that everyone knows are bad for you, you respect your parents, as a woman you cover modestly and so on. These are just the basics but it makes so much sense because it is absolutely logical. I'm not surprised that there are so many people who become Muslim. 

Obviously as a born Muslim you know these things already but sometimes when you hear converts talking about it, it really hits you again that yes, this is the one true religion and it refreshes your own faith. 

Next time your faith is down, go talk to a revert/convert and hear their stories. :-)

Amal Kassir: BNV Finals: Denver round four

I watched this video a month ago and I absolutely love this girls passion and talent. This is one of those must watch videos that blow you away.

Amal Kassir is a very talented girl from Syria who speaks out in poetry form about what is happening in there.