Ramadan Charity Initatives - UAE 2013

Here are a few charity initatives that will be popping up during Ramadan this year: (Check back for updates)


Ramadan Care Packages for Labourers

Venue: Sheikh Rashid Hall, Dubai World Trade Centre
Date & Timings:
24th July, 12pm - 7pm &
25th July, 6pm - 11pm
You can also sponsor: 
"Please give donations in monetary form or by donating items. Please see if your company can sponsor bulk Care Packages, changing the lives of hundreds of labourers at once. Procuring at wholesale prices, same as previous times, each complete package will cost around 125 Dhs. Every little bit counts. 500 Dhs is enough to make complete Care Packages for 4 men!"

Click here for more details and how you can help.


Labor Camp Iftars


Food packing for needy families 

1 comments :: Ramadan Charity Initatives - UAE 2013

  1. If we follow islam in right way then there will be no poor people in the world . Thats why it is the great religion.
    ramadan calendar

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