Salaat Al Istisqaa (Prayer for rain) in UAE on Friday

According to the official feed on twitter for Government of Dubai @dubaimediaoffice - Salaat Al Istisqaa will take place in mosques around the country on Friday the 30th at 8am.

صاحب السمو رئيس الدولة يدعو إلى إقامة صلاة الاستسقاء في جميع مساجد ومصليات الدولة في الساعة الثامنة من صباح يوم الجمعة المقبل ‎
Islamically rain is considered a mercy and blessing on the land unless it comes in a form of punishment. The prayer for rain was prayed during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) to ask God for the blessings of rain when there was a lack of rain and consequences such as drought happened.

On that note, here is a video of Shaykh Salah Budair praying Salaat Al Istisqaa in Medina on 26th December:

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